Hi, I’m sadie hill.
I am an artisan cheesemaker and cheese educator based on Cape Cod.
It all started with two Nigerian dwarf goats, which we coincidently had named Cheddar & Gouda. My plan was to show and breed for the best milking lines I could produce. I traveled New England looking for does and bucks to grow my herd. However, do you know what I found at almost every farm I went to? They were making cheese! By visiting these micro dairies, I received a crash course in farmstead and artisanal cheese making. I quit my teaching job to become a cheesemaker and goat mamma. My life became breeding, birthing, milking goats and turning that milk into cheese. I was in heaven being able to combine my love of raising farm animals with my love of food.
In 2016 I started Two Goats School of Cheesemaking. I’m excited to be able to share this traditional edible art form with you. It’s time we brought back the family cow and make beautiful artisan cheese in our own kitchens. I offer “learn to make cheese” classes and workshops year round and frequently partner with community kitchens, educational farms, sustainable food businesses and personal homes to provide educational opportunities for all. I teach far more than your basic “lets make mozzarella” class. Some of the most popular classes are the bloomy rind cheeses (such as Brie and Camembert), Traditional Cheddar and Cheshires and everything in-between. So let’s make some cheese! I would love to help you get started in your journey and guide you along the way.